The Piney Run Reservoir is the focal point for Piney Run Park in Carroll County, Maryland. Used by citizens throughout the summer for boating and fishing, the reservoir is also an important resource to the county for flood control and future water supply.  Many don’t realize that the water is held back by a 74-foot-tall earthen dam, the largest dam owned by Carroll County. Due to the dam's size and the risk, if something were to happen to it, the dam is classified by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) as a “High Hazard Dam.” This means that the County and MDE take extra precautions to ensure that it is inspected annually and well-maintained.

MDE has expressed concern to Carroll County that the existing Piney Run Dam may not meet all current safety regulations.  Although the dam is well maintained and there are no immediate issues, there are concerns regarding the capacity of the emergency spillway should the County experience a significant rainfall event such as a direct hit from a hurricane.  MDE has therefore required that the  County analyze the dam to verify the concerns and then prepare plans to mitigate any identified issues.  To assist with the initial effort, the County obtained a grant from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and contracted AECOM to perform the analysis.  The result of the study can be found in the links below.

The County will hold a public hearing on April 3rd, 2025, to present the study results and hear public testimony.  Please refer to the Board of County Commissioners agenda for April 3rd for the approximate time of the hearing.



PART 1. Draft Supplemental Watershed Plan No. 2 and Environmental Assessment for Rehabilitation of Piney Run Dam
PART 2. Piney Run Dam Preliminary Draft Plan Comments And Responses On Draft Plan
PART 3. Piney Run Dam Preliminary Draft Plan Investigation And Analysis Report On Draft Plan