Environmental Advisory Council (EAC)

Originally formed as the Environmental Affairs Advisory Board in the early 90s, the Board of County Commissioners created the Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) through County Code (Chap. 31) in 2004.
The EAC is dedicated to the exploration and promotion of the County's environmental management responsibilities, to providing the Commissioners with educated advice that is in the best interest of the County and the County's residents, and to promote environmental education.
The 9-member EAC functions at the direction of the Carroll County Board of Commissioners and, as such, works cooperatively with County environmental staff to research environmental policy issues; to advise the Board of County Commissioners; to foster environmental education, and generally to act in the best interest of County residents by promoting effective environmental protection and management principles.
Mission Statement
The EAC is dedicated to promoting environmental stewardship by providing environmentally, socially, and economically responsible recommendations and/or information to the Board of County Commissioners on environmental issues relevant to Carroll County and also by public outreach and education.
Apply to Serve
Interested in serving on the EAC?
- Learn more about serving as an EAC member
- Apply to serve as an EAC member
Contact Us
Individuals that desire to contact the EAC with a concern or suggestion may do so by calling 410-386-2949 or through email at eac@carrollcountymd.gov.