Historic Preservation Commission

Function – Decision Making - To foster and safeguard the heritage of the county by preserving sites, structures and districts of historic significance in the Historic District Overlay. The Commission decides whether or not to grant requests for exterior changes to property subject to its authority after a hearing on the matter.
The Carroll County Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) was created pursuant to Chapter §158.095 in the Zoning Ordinance of the Carroll County Code of Public Local Laws and Ordinances. The HPC hears applications for work permits within the Historic District Overlay prior to the construction, alteration, reconstruction, repair, moving, or demolition of any property within the Historic District Overlay that involves exterior changes that would affect the historic, archaeological, or architectural significance of the property, such as repairs, additions, new construction, fencing, and removal of trees. Additionally, the HPC is required to maintain and update the Maryland Inventory of Historic Properties for Carroll County as well as review petitions for designation as a historic site, structure, or district inside the Historic District Overlay. The HPC also reviews applications for conditional uses and variances for properties located within the Historic District Overlay.
The HPC conducts informal hearings on applications for work permits during which applicants explain the nature of their project and submit plans, examples, or photographs in support of the applications. The HPC bases its decision on the application and any attachments thereto, and any information provided at the hearing.
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The five members of the HPC are appointed by the Commissioners of Carroll County and serve staggered three-year terms. An alternate member is also appointed to a one-year term to serve when a member is absent.
Edwin T. Gregg, Jr., Chair
Kyohei Abe, Member
Melvin Brennan, Member
Jessica Penn, Member
Mr. David N. Bell, Member
Mr. Ron Arthur, Alternate
The HPC is assisted by the Department of Planning
Hannah Weber: hweber@carrollcountymd.gov
The HPC typically meets on the second Tuesday of each month. Meetings are held in Room 003 in the Carroll County Office Building at 7:00 p.m. In order to be placed on the agenda, an applicant must submit an application at least 10 days prior to the next HPC meeting. An HPC hearing is relatively informal. For each application, the HPC considers the significance of the structure, the relationship of the structure's exterior features to the remainder of the structure and to the surrounding area, the general compatibility of the proposed materials, and any other pertinent factors. Also, the HPC relies heavily upon the HPC's Design Guidelines when considering applications.
- Mission Statement
- Frequently Asked Questions
- The Maryland Historical Trust Inventory of Historic Properties
- Bylaws / Rules of Procedure of the Carroll County Historic Preservation Commission
- Design Guideline
- Application for New Construction in Uniontown
- Application for Alterations / Repairs in Uniontown
- Download the Application for New Construction in Uniontown
- Download the Application for Alterations/Repairs in Uniontown
- County Code
- Historic Preservation Commission Minutes
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