Fraud, Waste, Abuse, and Illegal Activity

Fraud, Waste, Abuse, and Illegal Activity

Reporting fraud, waste, abuse-related concerns:

  • Call the Fraud, Waste, Abuse, and Illegal Activity Hotline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 410-386-5030. Note:  Callers can remain Anonymous.
  • OR email

    The Fraud, Waste, Abuse, and Illegal Activity Hotline receives information from all sources, including county residents and nonresidents, county governmental employees, and contractors. Reports may be made anonymously.

    The County Attorney shall receive and evaluate concerns regarding fraud, waste, and abuse, and when appropriate, conduct an investigation. We refer concerns to management for a decision on any corrective action and/or to the State’s Attorney for potential criminal matters.

Report Fraud, Waste, or Abuse by using this form.

"What is Fraud?"

A misrepresentation of a material fact, made knowingly or with reckless indifference to the truth, in order to obtain a benefit or payment to which one would normally not be entitled.

"What is Waste?"

The negligent or extravagant expenditure of county funds, incurring of expenses, or misuse of county resources or property.

"What is Abuse?"

The intentionally wrongful or improper use of county resources that can include the excessive or improper use of one’s position, in a manner contrary to its rightful or legally intended use.

"What is Illegal Activity?"

The intentional, wanton, willful, deliberate, reckless act or actions in deliberate indifference to the county’s interest or a violation of law, rule, or regulation related to the county.

Examples of activities that should be reported include:

  • Fraud in areas such as contracting, procurement, workers’ compensation, or expense claims
  • Offer of payment, or acceptance of bribes or gratuities
  • Falsification of financial records
  • Arranging for secret profits, kickbacks, or commissions
  • Misuse of theft of county funds or property
  • Abuse of county position
  • Substantial and specific danger to public health or safety

    When reporting information, be prepared to provide the following:
    • The person(s) involved in the incident(s) and title(s)
    • Information on the incident(s)
      • Where it occurred
      • When it occurred
      • Was this a one-time incident or is it on-going
        • If on-going, how long has this been occurring
      • Is there documentation of the incident(s)
      • Are you aware of any steps already taken to address the issue
      • Are there others that may have knowledge of the incident(s)
      • How did you become aware of this issue
"What happens to matters that are reported to the Fraud, Waste, Abuse, and Illegal Activity Hotline? "

Reported concerns and recommendations for investigations are reviewed by Department of the County Attorney staff to determine whether the concern is appropriate for the Fraud, Waste, Abuse, and Illegal Activity Hotline or whether it should be referred to another agency or law enforcement. Once researched and, if appropriate, investigated, a report is generated and complainants who have chosen not to remain anonymous will be notified that the matter has been addressed.  Reports will be maintained by the County Attorney for a period of five years.