Transportation Master Plan

The Planning & Zoning Commission Approved the Carroll County Transportation Master Plan (TMP) on November 14, 2023. The information in this Plan is the compilation of Comprehensive Planning's work, in conjunction with the eight towns, over the past several years. It includes a Vision and Goals (Chapter 1); background information such as demographics, other relevant plans and existing transportation facilities (Chapters 2, 3 and 4); the Transportation Corridor and Subarea Analysis conducted by Mead & Hunt in 2020 (Chapter 5); an update and prioritization of all Planned Major Roadways (Chapter 6); Access Management (Chapter 7); Emerging Trends (Chapter 8); and Recommendations (Chapter 9).
View the
- 2023 Carroll County Transportation Master Plan
- Appendix A: Citizens Outreach
- Appendix B: MD 32 Pel Study
- Appendix C: MD 26 Study
- Executive Summary
To view a plan mentioned in Chapter 3 Other Transportation Plans contact the Bureau of Comprehensive Planning at (410) 386-5145.