2023 Volunteer of the Year Award



Carol Demarzo

The Piney Run Recreation and Conservation Council is proud to name Carol Demarzo as our volunteer of the year. Carol is both talented and resourceful. Carol put her sewing talents to work to help us by making cloth banners for several children’s crafts classes. She has also put those talents to work for multiple years making “face cloths” for our scarecrow making activity at the Piney Run Park Fall Festival (not to mention the many nature-themed and sports-themed cloth face masks she donated during the COVID 19 pandemic). And Carol’s resourcefulness always benefits Piney Run Park and the Council. She keeps an eye out for craft materials we can use at the park for many of our children’s crafts activities, including providing more than half of the clothing items we use for our scarecrow making activity. In addition, Carol has helped out with organizing craft materials and with setting up and conducting the crafts sessions during Summer Nature Camp and the Children’s Holiday Crafts event held in December. And she is always willing to help with other tasks whenever asked, such as weeding the gardens, laundering tablecloths and setting up for events. Thank you and congratulations, Carol!