Carroll Transit to Add Services on Some Holidays

Westminster, MD, Tuesday, September 5, 2023 – On Thursday, August 31, 2023 during Open Session, the Carroll County Board of Commissioners voted to provide Carroll Transit System (CTS) service on various federal holidays. Beginning January 1, 2024, service will now be available on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Presidents’ Day, Juneteenth, Columbus Day, and Veterans Day.
Remaining open during these five (5) holidays will allow CTS to better serve the general public who need to get to and from work, the store, and doctor’s appointments.
Past public forums, discussions at the Transportation Advisory Council (TAC) meetings, and continued requests from customers and partners to provide transportation services on minor holidays led to this change. This change will also assist our partner organizations, such as the ARC, to open on these days as they currently follow the CTS holiday schedule.
Questions can be directed to Carroll Transit System at (410) 386-5550 or
The open session is available for viewing on the county meeting portal and the county YouTube channel. In addition, all meetings will be replayed on Comcast Channel 24.