REMINDER Community Solar 6-Month Moratorium Public Hearing Scheduled for February 23rd at 6 PM

Westminster, MD, Wednesday, February 15, 2023 – Public Hearing reminder:
Public Hearing Topic: Proposed ordinance establishing a six-month moratorium on the review and processing of applications and permitting of community solar facilities in the county’s Agricultural Zone.
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, February 23, 2023, beginning at 6:00 PM
Public Hearing Location: County Office Building, 225 N. Center Street, Westminster, MD In Room 003, Reagan Room
The meeting will be live-streamed. Use links below.
Meeting Portal
Opportunities to Comment:
- Speak in person at the public hearing (3:00 minutes to comment)
- Call in to a virtual meeting using the following form to sign up (3:00 minutes to comment).
- Send written comments to the Carroll County Board of Commissioners:
225 North Center Street, Room 300
Westminster, Maryland, 21157
- Email comments to:
All comments are considered if received within 10 calendar days after the close of the hearing.
The proposed ordinance may be reviewed and copies obtained at the County Attorney’s Office, Carroll County Office Building, 225 North Center Street in Westminster during normal business hours. The proposed ordinance is also available on the County Attorney’s website:
Following the public hearing, the record will be left open for 10 days for further comments. After the 10 days, the commissioners will review all comments, then schedule a discussion and vote.
Meetings are available for viewing on the county meeting portal and the county YouTube channel. In addition, all meetings will be replayed on Comcast Channel 24.