Westminster, MD, Friday, August 23, 2024 – Close to eight hundred Carroll County residents turned out on Thursday night to speak to the Board of Carroll County Commissioners (board) and State Delegation about the Maryland Piedmont Reliability Project (MPRP).

The board has received countless inquiries from concerned residents regarding the (MPRP) and the impact it may have on the community. The board wanted to hear from their constituents and as promised hosted the listening session on Thursday evening at the Carroll County Agriculture Center.  During the three-hour listening session, ninety speakers commented about the MPRP, making the case that Carroll County is not the place for the installation of the power lines.

The leaders, in the counties most impacted by the MPRP, all agree that more information and analysis is needed to determine the best course of action for Carroll County and Maryland as a whole.

On behalf of the board, Commissioner Kiler said, “Prior to any project moving forward, it needs to be proven there is an energy need and that legal authority exists for this project. Once the need is established, all stakeholders can examine the ways the power can be sourced and delivered, while ensuring the best solution, with the least impact, is found.”

Commissioner Ed Rothstein noted, “the session tonight confirmed that Carroll County residents share the board’s opposition to the MPRP and support our work to stop the project in its current form.”

The board is unified in upholding the principles of protecting owner property rights, local control, land use, and permitting authority. Conducting a deliberate decision-making process is critical to our collective success.  To that end, the board will continue to leverage its influence with neighboring jurisdictions, as well as with state and national leaders to stop the project.

More information and correspondence about the MPRP can be found here: https://www.carrollcountymd.gov/residents/maryland-piedmont-reliability-project/

A map of the proposed line routes can be found here:

PSEG_MPRP_Alternative_Routes (Grant) (arcgis.com)

The public can submit comments to their local, state, and federal leaders in the following ways:

Carroll County Board of Commissioners and the state delegation

Scan the QR code or send an email to:



Governor Wes Moore

The Honorable Wes Moore, Governor

State of Maryland

The State House

100 State Circle

Annapolis, MD 21401

https://governor.maryland.gov/contact-us/  (Select “Contact the Governor”)


Office of the People’s Council

6 St. Paul Street, Suite 2102

Baltimore, MD 21202



Public Service Commission



Federal Delegation

The Honorable Benjamin L. Cardin

United States Senator

509 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC, 20510



The Honorable C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger III, Esq.

United States House of Representatives

2206 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515



The Honorable Christopher Van Hollen, Jr.

United States Senator

110 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510



The Honorable John P. Sarbanes

United States House of Representatives

2370 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515
