Westminster, MD, Tuesday, March 4, 2025 – This morning, during Open Session, Mr. Ted Zaleski, Director of Management and Budget, presented the Fiscal Year 2026 (FY26) Budget Overview to the Carroll County Board of Commissioners (BoC). The presentation outlined the county’s financial landscape, key budget considerations, and upcoming public meetings where residents can provide input.

Mr. Zaleski provided a review of the state budget and the uncertainty of how the final state budget will impact Carroll County: specifically, schools, community college, health department, and the libraries. He explained the details that led to a 69.5 million unassigned Fund Balance at the end of FY25. Mr. Zaleski cautioned that even though there may be a fund balance at the end of FY25, it does not guarantee the same fund balance will be available in the out years and the BoC should consider the balance as one-time funds.  

Next, he communicated the reality of the possible federal cuts to Medicaid, local non-profits and Citizen Services, including possible changes to HUD funding, federal school funding and bridges. There are approximately 155 bridges in Carroll County, 80% funded by the Federal Government. Mr. Zaleski advised the BoC to keep these issues in mind while preparing and planning for FY26. The entire Budget Overview presentation can be viewed on the county website.

The Recommended Budget will be presented to the BoC on March 18, followed by agency meetings for funding requests on Thursday, March 20 and Tuesday, March 25.

Commissioners will deliberate in several Proposed Budget Work Sessions beginning on March 27. 

Budget sessions that are open to the public will be televised on Channel 24 and streamed live on the county website. Unless otherwise noted, meetings will be held in the County Office Building, 225 N. Center Street, Westminster, MD 21157. Meeting dates, times, and places are subject to change, so please check the county website or call 410-386-2400 to confirm.

After the work sessions, community presentations will be held at various locations around the county to gather public feedback.

Community Presentations (7:00 pm – 9:00 pm):

Tuesday, April 22, Exploration Commons
Wednesday, April 23, Eldersburg Library
Thursday, April 24, Mt. Airy Library
Tuesday, April 29, Taneytown Library
Wednesday, April 30, North Carroll Library

A Budget Public Hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, May 6, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. at the Carroll Arts Center, located at 91 W. Main Street in Westminster. More information will be provided closer to the date.

Final Budget Work Sessions to adjust the proposed budget based on public input are tentatively set for Tuesday, May 13th and Tuesday, May 20th.

The FY26 budget adoption is planned for Thursday, May 22nd.

Updated information can be viewed on the Bureau of Budget webpage as it becomes available: https://www.carrollcountymd.gov/budget.  Comments and questions can be submitted via the webpage or sent to Director Ted Zaleski at tzaleski@carrollcountymd.gov at any time.

Meetings are available for viewing on the county meeting portal and the county YouTube channel. In addition, all meetings will be replayed on Comcast Channel 24.