Westminster, MD, Thursday, January 16, 2025- The Carroll County Planning & Zoning Commission (P&ZC) is pleased to announce a series of Open Houses to share and discuss the updates to the Carroll County Master Plan. One Open House is scheduled to take place in each Commissioner’s district from 1:00 pm–7:00 pm on the following dates and locations:

  • Thursday, February 6, 2025 - District 3 – Carroll Community College, Room K100 (1601 Washington Rd, Westminster)
  • Wednesday, February 12, 2025 – District 4 – Mt. Airy Branch Library (705 Ridge Ave, Mt. Airy)
  • Wednesday, February 19, 2025 – District 1 – Taneytown Branch Library (10 Grand Dr, Taneytown)
  • Thursday, February 27, 2025 – District 2 – North Carroll Branch Library (2255 Hanover Pike, Hampstead)
  • Thursday, March 6, 2025 – District 5 – Eldersburg Branch Library (6400 W Hemlock Dr Ste 1, Eldersburg)

The Open Houses are designed as “drop-in” events. The same information will be available at each session. Residents are welcome to attend on the date, time, and location most convenient for them.  Drop by anytime between 1:00 PM and 7:00 PM to review the information gathered so far, ask questions, and help identify areas the Master Plan should address.

The County Master Plan is a ten-year roadmap demonstrating how land in the county may be developed or preserved and the public facilities and services that may be needed for future generations. Do you have questions in mind such as, “How will my young adult children or senior parents afford to live in Carroll County?” “How can we make sure the county keeps its rural character?” “What can we do to grow jobs and businesses in the county and keep our taxes down?” or, “What kind of development could I expect to see in my neighborhood and how can I influence it?” If so, join the P&ZC and county staff at one of the County Master Plan Open Houses to learn more, offer your suggestions, and have your voice heard so the Master Plan reflects the future Carroll Countians envision!  Visit www.carroll2035.org for more information on the Master Plan update, and its driving ideas, and to subscribe to be informed on future events.

In the event of inclement weather: Open Houses will follow the inclement weather policy of the host location. If the area is closed due to inclement weather, the Open House will not be held. If the location opens late but before the Open House is scheduled to begin, the Open House will be held as planned. A single snow date for any/all Open Houses that are canceled due to inclement weather will be announced if needed.

All meeting facilities are accessible. Those who need transportation assistance are encouraged to consult Carroll Transit’s webpage for options: https://www.carrollcountymd.gov/government/directory/public-works/carroll-transit-system/.

If you are unable to attend an Open House, feedback can still be provided through the online survey found here: https://survey123.arcgis.com/.../93ec27411346441db88c3e06...