Westminster, MD, Monday, September 23, 2024 – The Carroll County Board of Commissioners (board) is aware Spring Valley Solar has submitted a Public Convenience and Necessary to Construct (PCNC) application to the Public Service Commission (PSC) for a .25 MW Solar Photovoltaic Facility in the southern part of the county, on agriculturally zoned land.

On July 13, 2023, at the conclusion of a public hearing, the board voted to remove subsection §158.153(E)  Solar Energy Generating Systems - Community solar energy generating systems (CSEGS), in agricultural district- from the Carroll County Code.  

The PSC is holding, the first of two, virtual public comment hearings on September 25, 2024.  Members of the board plan to attend these hearings and voice their opposition to the project. The board urges community members to also attend and comment on the proposed construction. More information about the virtual public hearing, including how to register, can be found here.

The board maintains its position of protecting owner property rights, local control, land use and permitting authority and the importance of renewable energy while preserving the county’s rich agricultural farmland.