Veterans Services

Veterans Services Program of Carroll County
The Carroll County Veterans Services Program provides guidance and assistance to Carroll County veterans, their dependents, and survivors with applying for Federal and State benefits. This assistance includes help with an application for veteran’s benefits via the system administered by the State of Maryland and the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.
In order to make the application process more seamless and because every veteran’s situation is unique, the Program provides assistance with preparation and processing of various required forms that assist veterans with navigating a system that can be overwhelming.
MISSION: The Carroll County Veterans Services Program is dedicated to promoting the interests and welfare of veterans who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States of America, their family members and survivors. The program focuses on enhancing the veteran’s quality of life and improving outcomes through advocacy, claims assistance, education, counseling and facilitating access to other appropriate human services programs.
VISION: The Carroll County Veterans Services Program envisions advocating for and protecting the rights of all Carroll County veterans, their family members and survivors and assisting them with obtaining the benefits and services to which they are entitled.
Veteran Services Program of Carroll County Presentation 2021 (video)