Process: The piecemeal rezoning process is applicant driven. This means applicants must contact the Department of Planning and Land Management to inquire about rezoning a property. There are 2 arguments that can be made for a property to be rezoned: 1. A substantial change in the neighborhood has occurred 2. There was a mistake made in the existing zoning. The change or mistake argument is detailed in the Maryland Annotated Code, specifically the Land Use Articles. Applicants prepare a submission packet with property information/history, infrastructure details, change or mistake argument, etc. A staff report is prepared by the Bureau of Comprehensive Planning based on the applicant’s submission packet and is then presented to the County’s Planning Commission (PC) as well as the Board of County Commissioners (BCC). All piecemeal rezonings must go through the public hearing process. 

Piecemeal Rezonings timeline graphic

Piecemeal Rezonings Currently in Process

    None in process