Commissioners Complete 100 Days

Westminster, MD, Thursday, March 16, 2023 – Today marks a milestone for the new 62nd Board of Carroll County Commissioners as they turn the page on 100 days in office. A review of the past 100 days shows some of the notable actions:
- Adopted Super Majority Resolution for strengthening taxpayer protection
- Approved 6-Month Community Solar Moratorium
- Presented first State of the County Address
- Hosted Carroll County Welcome Reception for municipal, county and state leaders
- Introduced the proposal of a Nuisance Business Ordinance
- Increased the number of Ag Preservation acres toward the county’s 100,000 acre goal
- Held or scheduled Town Halls in every district
- Received weekly legislative updates from Legislative Liaison to Annapolis
- Participated in Point-in-Time Count
- Selected Board of Commissioner Officers for calendar year 2023
- Determined Board of Commissioner participation on 18 county Boards and Commissions
- Met with Carroll County Board of Education to discuss Maryland Blueprint
- Met twice with Senator Ben Cardin including participated in Veterans Small Business Meeting with Senator Cardin and Maryland Secretary of Veterans Affairs Woods
- Attended newly elected Governor Moore inauguration
- Attended weekly Maryland Association of County (MACo) meetings
- Participated in Maryland Municipal League (MML) and municipality meetings
- Received tours and/or community partner and department update presentations
- Approved construction of steel pavilions at Piney Run and Freedom Park
- Bought or contracted resources to continue building new Department of Fire and EMS
- Approved FY24 bond authorization for $65.6M
Last week the commissioners began the FY24 budget process which will continue until budget adoptions at the end of May.