County Seeks Members for Historic Preservation Commission

Westminster, MD, Thursday, March 30, 2023 – Carroll County’s Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) is seeking new members.
The Carroll County Historic Preservation Commission (HPC): Oversees and works to preserve the historical, architectural, and archeological purity of the Historic District of Uniontown and serves the residents in the Historic District by approving applications for work permits submitted by its residents pertaining to alterations/repairs or new construction on a property. The HPC meets monthly to hear these applications, for approximately 30 minutes-1 hour dependent on how many applications were received that month. If there are no applications to be decided on, the HPC does not meet.
HPC members must reside in the county and have a demonstrative special interest, specific knowledge, or professional/academic training in fields such as history, architecture, architectural history, planning, archaeology, anthropology, curation, conservation, landscape architecture, historic preservation, urban design, or related disciplines. For more information, please contact the Carroll County Department of Planning at 410-386-5145.
Citizen participation is critical to the success of local government and Carroll County Government needs resident’s skills, enthusiasm and fresh ideas. Advantages to joining a board or commission include making a difference in your community, helping facilitate positive change, gaining new skills, making great connections and learning more about how your local government works.
Residents can apply online at or contact the Boards & Commissions Coordinator at or 410-386-2043.