Current Programs

The Connecting Youth in Carroll County program at the Carroll County Youth Service Bureau (CCYSB) contributes to the coordinated county-wide approach of achieving re-engagement for disconnected youth (ages 16-24) through partnerships with Carroll’s Business and Employment Resource Center to address employment barriers as well as with the Human Services Programs and Carroll County Government’s Housing and Community Development to address the barrier of homelessness. Additionally, the CCYSB provides on-demand behavioral health services when deemed necessary. The program utilizes a team consisting of a Program Director, Clinical Case Manager, Engagement Case Managers, and therapists to ensure the necessary wrap-around services are provided. Please contact the program’s director, Tiffany Masimore, via e-mail at for more information.
The Suicide Intervention and Prevention Services program enhances the partnerships between the Carroll County Youth Service Bureau and community agencies to strengthen efforts for youth suicide prevention. The program creates a greater sense of connectedness and support for individuals through outreach, advocacy, and intervention. One component increases the accessibility of services for Carroll County youth in crisis, as well as ensuring continued education to increase the knowledge and confidence of clinical staff when assessing suicide risk. Another aspect is the various ways outreach efforts are made in the community to inform, educate and engage youth/families about risk factors for suicide and depression. Program staff are available to provide age appropriate psychoeducational presentations for elementary, middle and high school age youth, their parents, and/or various community groups. Outreach efforts are interactive learning experiences to reduce the stigma associated with depression and encourage individuals to have real discussions about preventing youth suicide. Follow us on Instagram at ccysbyouthsuicideprevention.
The Interagency Family Preservation Services program at the Carroll County Youth Service Bureau provides family therapy and case management for the purpose of preventing out-of-home placement of children, promoting safety and stability of children and families, and assisting families in utilizing community resources in order to maintain self-sufficiency. Please contact the program’s director, Hollie Cushen, via e-mail at for more information.
The Promoting Safe and Stable Families program prevents the unnecessary separation of children from their families and improves the quality of care and services to children and their families through partnership between the Carroll County Youth Service Bureau and the Human Services Program’s Family Support Center. For more information about the Family Support Center, visit Human Services Programs’ website at:
The Youth and Family Engagement Diversion program at the Carroll County Youth Service Bureau provides behavioral health case management and behavioral health services for youth and their families who are currently involved in Maryland’s Department of Juvenile Services. The program employs a full-time Bachelor level Engagement Manager who assesses the youth and family’s needs, facilitates linkages to services in the community, and provides active support with the priority of diverting youth with behavioral health issues from further involvement with juvenile services. Please contact the program’s director, Tiffany Masimore, via e-mail at for more information.
The SMART Moves After School Program at the Boys & Girls Club is a leadership development program designed to help drive healthy lifestyle choices for youth. The program teaches youth how to resist alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, premature sexual activity and to overcome obstacles that impede their development in leading successful lives and achieving their goals. The program has been scientifically evaluated with documented results making it a mainstay in prevention efforts of communities across the country. SMART Moves works by exposing young people to protective factors that promote positive behaviors, health, well-being and personal success. With these protective factors, young people have the tools to overcome the many challenges they face today, along with the knowledge and skills they need to grow into confident, healthy young adults. For more information contact